Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How Life Changes When You Are A Mommy!!!!!

Hello All!! This is my first blog..... I have been inspired by many.. I am one who likes to update my facebook status and brag on my beautiful baby girl, Cambree Lorrai...

For those of you who do not know me, i am a simple small town girl-- from east TN ... I am a graduate of ETSU with a degree in Public and Allied Health with a concentration in Health Care Admin  along with Marketing and Management. .. i was one pretty smart cookie graduating in my top 5 % of my class.. i was VP of our college of Public Health and actually recieved the award for the TOP student of Public Health for the 2007-2008 years..... Started off in pharm/lab sales right out of college... did that for a year.. went into sales for  high scale ( and when i say high scale, i mean $3,000 suits for lawyers) company--- Tom James... then onto a smaller Credit Union ....

I found out in early November I would be getting a surprise come mid July,....that surprise, my perfect babygurl-- Cambree Kite:-)

I grew up as an only child... with that being said, i usually got what I wanted when i wanted.... my parents divorced when i was 4, and I did no understand the impact it would have in my life at that time.. Now at the age of 24 it is hard to believe i have only seen my dad a couple of times within that 20 year time frame.  My mom raised me by herself.... well----- with the help of my nanny and papaw...

After I found out I was pregnant-- I had a few mixed emotions... #1--- how would my mom feel as a grandmother.. and what kind of mother would I be?? No matter how many birthing classes you take or websites you read or books you highlight... you will NEVER EVER EVER EVER be able to prepare youself... i dont mean this on how to change a diaper.. or how to make a bottle.. i mean this as how it changes your life and your heart..

I always cared about how I looked and what i wore and how I appeared to everyone else in public... I always had my touch up make up .. lip gloss.. brush.. etc...
Now************ i can NOT leave without a burp cloth, bottle, diapers, and formula... do i have lip gloss....??? more than likely not.. but who needs that when you have on sweat pants or PJ pants and an XL T shirt with formula stains all over it??????????

Thats me now-- the simple life, and i must say-- ITS NICE! when you are out no one looks to see ifyour makeup is just right or if your outfit is perfectly coordinated.. they look at that unbelievable miracle you have with you.. and all you can do is BRAG...

I AM THAT MOM... i was at walmart the other day buying tons of formula... .when the lady checking me out said, "oh you must have a baby..." and I replyed with "OH YES I DO... DO YOU WANT TO SEE HER PICTURE????????????????"
I BRAG---- so what.... ?? God blessed me with a PERFECT little girl...

But back to the whole point of this Blog--- Life changes when you become a mom.. but for the best.. i promise you that.. i have a whole other reason to live... she makes me a better person.. My goal in life is to make her life as perfect as it can possibly be... nothing matters any more....

I hope everyone can or does feel the unconditonal love  I feel for my precious baby girl--- Cambree Lorrai!!!

More tomorrow-- OF COURSE WITH PICTURES.. she changes daily:-)

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful being a mommy :) So happy for you and your little family :)
